O u r S t o r y

Liquid gold. This is what many whisky lovers call this spirit. And no wonder, since, apart from its intense and long-lasting flavour, in Scotland by law whisky must be at least three years in an oak cask before it can be called whisky.

Whisky is an ancient drink born in Ireland when monks used barley for distilling because it was the most abundant grain in the area and the one that gave the best results. In those days nobody referred to whisky as Single Malt, meaning a malted barley whisky distilled in copper stills from a single distillery, they simply called it whisky.


T h e i m p o r t a n c e o f t i m e t o m a k e a g r e a t w h i s k y

the 19th century

C o n t i n u o u s D i s t i l l a t i o n

In the 19th century, continuous distillation systems began to appear, speeding up the process and reducing production costs, giving rise to Blended whiskies: whiskies made from different grains that blend distillates from different distilleries. In this context, blended whiskies became increasingly popular as premium beverages.

the middle of the 20th century

T h i s T r e n d C h a n g e s

In the middle of the 20th century this trend changes: Single Malt whiskies become more famous and premium blended whiskies lose popularity, abandoning the essence of blending whiskies as an art of creating a legendary drink.
It was not until 1999 that

H i g h l a n d D r e a m w a s b o r n

A whisky of the highest quality that combines the intense aroma of malt whisky with the elegance of grain whisky and regains the essence of the original 19th century blended whiskies.

A whisky of the highest quality that combines the intense aroma of malt whisky with the elegance of grain whisky and regains the essence of the original 19th century blended whiskies.


Highland Dream

B o r n a s a B l e n d o f S e v e r a l M a l t s

all of them with a minimum of 18 years of ageing, a very unusual fact for Blended whiskies as they usually age only a few years. Moreover, it was born with its own identity: cotton paper label, hand printing, and traditional wooden case so that the content and the container would follow the same path, and for the consumer it would be a unique and exclusive product. Years later, Highland Dream produced two new whiskies: 8 and 12 years old.

crafts people

M e e t O u r K e y P e o p l e


Bruno Rossi

Founder & Owner


Fillipe Moratti

Executive Director


Agatha Rossi

Senior Whisky maker


Ella Campo

Whisky Manager


O v e r F i v e D e c a d e s o f H i s t o r y


The Beginning

Bruno Rossi leased five acres of his father and started with just an acre of vines.

Building the Whisky

The winery produces first vintage.
late 70-ies

New Sorts in the Whisky

Bruno Rossi leased five acres of his father and started with just an acre of vines.

First Art Events

Our Wine Club was established to educate consumers in wine & food matching.

New Sorts in Whisky

Bruno Rossi leased five acres of his father and started with just an acre of vines.

First Art Events

Our Wine Club was established to educate consumers in wine & food matching.