W h a t i s a B l e n d e d W h i s k y ?

a spirit born FROM

T h e A r t o f B l e n d i n g

A Blended whisky is a spirit born from the art of blending several malt whiskies from different distilleries with grain whisky to make a single, very rich and complex whisky that combines the essence of all of them.

It was born in the 19th century when some Scottish distilleries began to blend their youngest and strongest malt whisky with a mild grain whisky in order to obtain a new whisky that would go a step further and enhance its flavour.


Making a blended whisky is not easy, in fact, it is much more complicated than producing other types of whisky, as it must necessarily contain two types of grains: malt and blended grains. Its production starts with the selection of common grains and malted barley grains (where germination has already begun). 

A Blended Whisky is a Spirit Born from the Art of Blending

The selected grains must then be milled and mixed with water for fermentation and distillation and, once this process is complete, the liquid obtained, grain whisky or single malt whisky for malted barley, is aged in oak casks for a minimum of 3 years before it can be called scotch whisky.

8 Basic Steps to Elaborate a Whisky.

1. Malting*

2. Drying*

3. Milling

4. Blending

* These steps only affect malt whiskies

5. Fermentation

6. Distillation

7. Ageing

8. Bottling